1)孫春美 Soon Choon Mee
Madam Soon, a friendly lady who is always with her symbolic hairstyle and a pair of round spectacles, is bestowed by the theatres works as the “The mother of Theatre”. For over 20 years, she has been spending time in theatre education as she strongly believes the importance of it. In 1988, she graduated from Chinese Culture University in Taiwan, and in year 2001, she received a Honorary Degree of Master in Performing Arts in University of Malaya. She has worked in Malaysian Institute of Art (MIA), and she is now a part-time lecturer of Drama & Visuals in New Era College. As theatre has becoming more and more affinity and fascinating in recent years, Madam Soon has been actively in promoting aesthetics education in the community and actively introducing the concept of Community Arts Festival.
2)梁志成 Leong Chi Sin
2002年 戏炬奖“特别成就戏剧奖”
Mr. Leong Chi Sin, 75 years old, is a scriptwriter, a director and also an actor for almost 40 years. He has been devoting himself in theatre teaching for more than 20 years. Besides, he also has written no less than 100 scripts for Malaysia radio station and television station. With that, he has been known as the “leading scholar in theatre”! Mr. Leong is also active in cultural society. He was once the art director of the Malaysia Chinese Culture Organization, the chairman and the chief director of The Dramatic Art Society as well as a committee member of Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies. Mr. Leong is always goes with a nick name called “Director Leong” ever since he held a director position in the theatre of Malaysia Chinese Cultural Society. During his retirement, he has even written a book entitled “The Aspects of Malaysian Chinese Drama” that makes the history of Malaysia theatre.
3)鄭榮興 Mr.Teh Eng Hin DJN
馬來西亞檳城劇場早期拓荒者,更是社團與華團的活躍分子。80年代至今積極涉足編、導、演以及製作,更是Noise Performance、造心廠、戲園子、銀河系等多個檳城戲劇團體的顧問。每每劇團演出遇到經費問題,鄭氏總是二話不說就為劇團經費奔波,對劇場推動不遺餘力,堪稱檳城劇團的主要幕後推手。
Mr. Teh is the pioneer of theatre in Penang and also an active member in the community and some Chinese organizations. Since 1980s, he has been contributing himself in script writing, directing, acting and theatre production. Due to his wealth experience in theatre, he is always invited to be the consultant of many of the theatre groups in Penang. Moreover, every time when a show of the theatre is short of funding, Mr. Teh would be the first to volunteer and would relentlessly look for funding. Hence, he is named as the “backstage driving force” in Penang theatre. It won’t be an overstatement to say that, without him, Penang theatre will not be as blooming as today.
4)黎明 Lai Meng
83高齡的黎明,原名黎桂潤,大家尊稱她黎明姨。跑歌台出身,1952年加入翡翠電台錄製廣播劇《四喜臨門》,1962年節拍第一部電影《有求必應》;1964年加入剛成立的國營電台 RTM,延續《四喜臨門》的風格再錄製處境廣播劇《四喜臨門 Empat Sekawan》,這部國營電台的廣播劇更是國內少有的長青節目,共播放長達26年之久。黎明姨參與的電視劇超過百部,見證了本地影視的盛衰;其代言和拍攝、錄音的廣告更多不勝數。2000年接下新加坡電影《老師嫁老大》之後,陸續收到新加坡重用,更憑《錢不夠用2》裡老母親的角色入圍第45屆金馬獎最佳女配角,是其演繹生涯值得記錄的一筆光輝事蹟。黎明姨曾参演舞台剧“头家”及“Empat Sekawan”舞台剧。近年其親自擔綱演出的自傳式舞台劇《杜鵑花的黎明》詳細記錄了黎明姨的一生。
Aunty Lai Meng, 83 years old, is an every household name for her acting in “Empat Sekawan” (Four Great Friends). In fact, Empat Sekawan in the 1970s, is one of the evergreen sitcoms in Malaysia, and was lasting for 26 years! Aunty Lai Meng started her career as a stage performer, and now she has been in the show business for over 50 years. She has acted in more than 100 dramas, and has witnessed the ups and downs of the industry. Besides dramas, she is also a hot demand in movies, voice over, advertisements etc. In 1962, Aunty Lai Meng played in a movie called Yau Kow Pik Ying (All Wishes Granted), which was also the first Chinese movie in Malaysia. In year 2000, she was first acted in a Singaporean movie called “Ah Long Pte Ltd”, and then was once again invited in another Singaporean movie called “Money Not Enough II”. With this movie, she has won many audience hearts with her outstanding performance as a mother role and was nominated for the best Supporting Actress in the 45th Golden Horse Awards in 2008. The nomination was indeed one of the glorious moments in her career. She acted in stage play “Tauke”1998 and “Empat Sekawan”2002. Recently, she also acted in a theatre called “The Legend of Lai Meng”, which uses her legendary life as the story of the drama.
5)張家扬 Patrick Teoh
張家扬,就是大家熟悉的新聞主播即英文電台主持 Patrick Teoh,精通三語。 80年代開始參與演繹人工作室(The Actors Studio)的劇場演出,並涉足電視、電影以及電台廣播多棲發展。全盛時期錄製了多家英文電台的幕後配音,因此被稱之為“大馬之音”;曾參演在大馬檳城取景的《安娜與國王》(Anna and the King);近期參與的電影是《Nasi Lemak 2.0》。曾兩次入圍金馬倫藝術獎、戲炬獎、以及馬來西亞電影展和東南亞電視獎。
Patrick Teoh started his career as a radio deejay. At one point, he did voice over for multiple English radio stations and hence earned him the title of “The Voice of Malaysia”. In the 1980s, he started to join the performance in The Actors Studio and later he expanded his career to TV and movie industry. Just to name a couple, Patrick has acted in the movie, “Anna And The King” (by 20th Century Fox), and the most recent movie would be “Nasi Lemak 2.0”. He has been nominated twice for the Best Actor in the Malaysian Boh Cameronian Arts Awards and once for the Best Actor in the Malaysian Chinese Theatre Awards.
6)蔡寶珠 Pearlly Chua
1990年,年僅20餘歲的蔡寶珠憑《翡翠嶺上的愛美麗》(Emily On Emerald Hill)娘惹單人劇紅遍新馬兩地,至今演出超過140場,更遠到海外去演出此劇,為其演繹生涯寫下亮眼的成績。自1983年演出《白蛇傳》以來,蔡寶珠不僅參與舞台劇,更跨界演出電視劇和電影。第一次參與由大馬籍導演蔡明亮執導的《黑眼圈》,即獲得提名第43屆金馬獎最佳女配角,更在水都威尼斯電影節獲得巨大的迴響。
When Pearlly Chuah first took the challenging role of portraying Emily Gan in an award-winning monodrama, “Emily of Emerald Hill (EOEH)” in 1990, she was only a little bit over 20 years old. Up until now, the monodrama has been performing, both locally and abroad, for over 140 shows and this indeed has written an extraordinary page in her acting career. In 1983, she joined a drama performance “Tale of the White Snake”. Since then she also involved in TV series and movie. In 2006, the 43rd Golden Horse Film Festival Taipei jury saw Pearlly’s riveting performance in “I Don’t Want To Sleep Alone” and garnered her a nomination in the category of the Best Supporting Actress. This movie was directed by the multi-awards winner, Dir. Tsai Min-liang, and the movie was also later received an enormous response in the Venice Film Festival.
5)Dato Faridah Merican
Dato Faridah早期活躍於廣播、電視與廣告界,目前是傳播機構奧美(Ogilvy & Mather)董事成員之一。1989年與丈夫創辦演繹人工作室(The Actors Studio Theatre ),2003年因為水災而摧毀劇場後,她秉持著“沒有什麼不可能”的精神與信念,重振旗鼓開創了吉隆坡表演藝術中心(KLPAC, Kuala Lumpur Performing Art Centre),並獲得 YTL 集團以及 Yayasan Budi Penyayang 的鼎力支持。2004年榮獲金馬倫藝術獎BOH Cameronian 終身成就獎;2005年 獲森美蘭統治者冊封 Dato Paduka 勳銜;2006年獲理科大學頒發榮譽碩士學位。Dato Faridah被譽為“大馬戲劇界第一夫人”,其早期演出的作品鑑定了60、70年代國內劇場的基礎;對於本土劇場的推動不遺餘力,是本土劇場的主要推手之一。
Known as the First Lady of Malaysian Theatre, Dato Faridah Merican’s early acting credits defined the Malaysian theatre in the 60s and 70s, and determined the direction that theatre would take in the next few decades. In her early years, she was active in Radio, TV and advertising. Today, she is a member of the board of directors of Ogilvy & Mather. In 1989, Dato Faridah co-founded The Actors Studio with her husband Mr. Joe Hasham. In June of 2003, floods destroyed the entire complex of The Actors Studio in Plaza Putra, Dataran Merdeka. Out of that devastation, her ‘nothing is impossible’ attitude generated yet another ground-breaking event – the birth of The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre, which was set up by the YTL Group, Yayasan Budi Penyayang and The Actors Studio. In year 2004, because of her contributions, Dato Faridah was awarded the BOH Cameronian Lifetime Achievement Award and in July 2005, she was conferred the ‘Darjah Dato’ Paduka Tuanku Ja’afar’ by the Yang Di-Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan on the occasion of His Highness’
83rd Birthday. In August 2006, she received an Honorary Master of Letters at University Sains Malaysia’s 35th Convocation.