1《大马华人剧运面面观》-作者 梁志成 ,出版 2009年
梁志成先生,马来西亚剧场资深导演,前马来西亚艺术学院戏剧系主任。 他将其毕生在马来西亚剧坛收集的资料、文献、图片汇整编著成书, 写马来西亚戏剧今昔的源流、演变、发展和各剧团演出、活动情况、学校戏剧教育与中文剧场的关系。 这是一本值得参考及珍藏的大马中文戏剧史料. 作者:梁志成(马来西亚) 出版:隆雪戏剧互动空间 (ASLI 马来西亚戏剧联盟) 出版日期:2009年 语文:简体中文 总页数:1140 目录: 第一卷 第一章 梁老侃大马华人剧艺活动今昔(1919-2008) 第二章 本会辖下剧艺研究班 (1970-2004) 第三章 大马华人剧运于学校戏剧教育 第四章 大马剧运戏剧教育推动者 第五章 近30年崛起的新剧团简介 第六章 各剧团戏剧创作演出及活动总表 (1992-2008) 第二卷 戏剧论文(一)大马华人话剧运动纵横谈 戏剧论文(二)从电视剧集的喜好论今日大马华人舞台剧的定位与路向 第三卷 作者文集选
2 Solace Of Papan (Malaysia English Opera) Librettist: Chin San Sooi, 出版:7/7/2024
It was 1957. I read the biography, No Dram of Mercy, by Sybil Karthigesu. I was horrified at the atrocities committed during World War 2 in then known Malaya but immensely moved by Sybil’s great belief in God and her loyalty to the people whom she was in touch with in the jungle: namely the British and the AJA. I wanted to write a play but was unable to do so. On looking back, I was too young and lacked experience in life to write a play on it. Also, her life was unblemished. It made writing about her character difficult. But the muse made me not give up on her. After a few woeful attempts of writing a play about her, I set it aside. In an act of bravado, I mentioned to one well known actress, Sukania, that I was writing a play on Sybil Karthigesu and would like her to act the role. Of course, it did not come to pass. Serves me right for opening my big mouth. (ChinSanSooi)
3 Yap Ah Loy- (Musical) Book & Lyrics : Chin San Sooi, 出版 8/8/2024
The musical begins with a procession of Yap Ah Loy as Kapitan China and the populace celebrating the occasion. In his residence, he prepares to go the temple, Sin See Si Ya, to dedicate it. It is declared that Kuala Lumpur will be prosperous as long as the temple stands. In the Selangor Civil War, his faction loses and re-gains it with the help of Tun Kudin. In a flash back, we see Ah Loy with a band of immigrants leaving China for greener pastures in Malacca, where he is met by Yap Si, a relative, who takes him to Durian Tunggul to work. After a year, owing to his dissatisfactory work, he is dismissed and given 100 dollars to return to China. On his journey, he stops at Singapore and wanders into a gambling den. He loses all his money and walks back to Lukut. There he works as a cook, earns his money and expands his fortune by pig farming. He is made Kapitan Cina after the Sungai Ujong War. He is enticed to go to Kuala Lumpur to try his fortune there, He locates in Klang, sets a Chinese medicine shop and gradually gains prominence. He marries Malaccan maide, Kok Kang Keong, who stands by him during the Selangor War. For his exploits in re-building Kuala Lumpur, he is made Kapitan Cina.