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國際表演大師 Philippe Gaulier 首度來馬

日期 :2012年8月14至18日(週二至週六)
時間 : 1030am~4:30pm (包括1小時午餐時間)
地點 : 吉隆坡表演藝術中心 Pentas 2, KLPAC, Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan (Off Jalan Ipoh) 51100 Kuala Lumpur
費用 : RM 1,300
招生對象: 演員、導演、小丑、舞者、歌手、藝人等
報名/洽詢: enquiries@kakiseni.com or CALL 011-1436 2480
www.kakiseni.com / pentasproject.org / www.ecolephilippegaulier.com
截止日期: 2012年7月16日


國際間最具影響力的表演訓練大師Philippe Gaulier,將在8月份首度來馬授課。由Kakiseni主辦、Capri Communications及平台計劃策劃的「Le Jeu表演工作坊」,是Philippe Gaulier獻給馬來西亞藝文圈的第一個工作坊。多才多藝的Philippe是導演、劇作家、演員訓練導師、詩人和小說家,他的表演訓練課程,以Le Jeu「遊戲」為表演訓練的核心,著重演出時演員傳遞予觀眾的「喜悅」,其犀利的觀察能一眼洞悉學員的優缺點,讓演員的優劣無所遁形,是當今最具革命性的表演訓練導師。




Le Jeu是Philippe Gaulier表演訓練的核心。演員為甚麼需要Le Jeu(遊戲)?如何遊戲?


Philippe 認為「遊戲」與「戲」是不可分割的——是萬物之源——是演員的喜悅與欲望的源頭。表演就像玩耍:奔跑、跳躍、打鬥,是一種人類與動物的本能;表演也如孩童的角色扮演遊戲:牛仔、印第安人、士兵、醫生、洋娃娃等。


Le Jeu「遊戲」是Philippe學校的表演訓練根基,是經典劇(classical theatre)、小丑(clown)、諧謔劇(bouffons)、通俗劇(melodrama)、悲劇(tragedy)等課程的訓練基礎。從戲耍中,演員們將學習到與對手間的合拍關系(complicity)、定點(fixed point)、正副角色的配合以及夥伴間的喜悅感。你會發現:「啊,我是一名演員,我很害怕,可是,恐懼本來就是一名演員和喜悅的關鍵!」






有關 Philippe Gaulier


Philippe Gaulier的表演訓練享譽全球,他被喻為歐洲乃至全世界,最具影響力及革命性的表演導師之一,同時也是當代小丑(Clown)及諧謔劇(Bouffons)的訓練大師。Philippe早年是Jacques Lecoq的大弟子,畢業後留校任教近10年,1980年成立自己的國際戲劇學校,每年有超過30多個國家的學生就讀。1991年Philippe受英國文化協會邀請將學校遷至倫敦,2002年遷回巴黎。


擁有近四十年教學經驗的Philippe以嚴厲、尖酸和挑剔,以及他獨有的幽默感聞名。他犀利和驚人的洞察力,往往能一語道破每個學員的優缺點,讓演員們在學習表演以外,也和對自己最切身的問題直面相對,學習享受而不退縮的勇氣。Philippe多年來強調 Le Jeu(遊戲)的重要性,認為那是創造奇蹟的鑰匙,他追求的不是知識份子的「真理」,而是讓演員不斷在舞臺上創造「謊言」與「驚奇」。


Philippe的學生遍及全世界,包括香港電影金像獎影帝黃秋生、詹瑞文、林嘉欣;奧斯卡最佳女主角Emma Thompson、好萊塢個性女演員Helena Bonham Carter、Geoffrey Rush、Sacha Baron Cohen、Kathryn Hunter、Simon McBurney等。Philippe的足跡遍佈世界各地,近年更多次踏足亞洲。出版著作包括:劇本、小說、詩作及教學著作The Tormentor(苦難者)等。




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  • 報名後需在7月23日前繳交研習費。如沒在指定的限期內繳交研習費, 主辦單位有權把名額轉讓給其他報名者。
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    • ATM轉帳付費或支票匯款。
    •  銀行戶口名字:Capri Communications Sdn Bhd
    •  銀行: CIMB Bank
    •  帳號: 12250004725057
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    PHILIPPE GAULIER’S Master Class in Acting

    An Initiative Under/ Kakiseni Arts Exchange 2012
    Organised by/ Pentas Project Theatre Production & Capri Communications
    Date: 14~18 August 2012 (Tues to Sat)
    Time: 1030am–1:00pm & 2:00pm–4:30pm (5 hours daily)
    Venue: PENTAS 2, KLPAC
    Fees: RM 1,300.00
    Intake of participants: 35 persons max.
    Target participants: Actors, singers, dancers, directors, clowns, performers of live acts
    Enquiries: enquiries@kakiseni.com or CALL 011-1436 2480
    www.kakiseni.com / pentasproject.org / www.ecolephilippegaulier.com
    Registration deadline: 16th July 2012

    For the first time in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Every summer, Philippe Gaulier, world class professor in the theatre pedagogy, French master clown known for the bouffon comic genre, playwright, director and founder of a prestigious Ecole outside of Paris travels internationally to conduct his master classes. Kakiseni is very proud to announce that this August, Gaulier will be bringing his acclaimed master class to Malaysia.

    Master Gaulier is the founder of a performance technique where students discover their individual beauty and pleasure from being onstage and has been training famous actors for 21 years using his unique approach known as ‘Le Jeu’. Some notable students of Gaulier’s include Emma Thompson, Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen.

    You too can now learn what they know! We invite you to take up this rare opportunity to learn from the incomparable Master Gaulier. Please register early as places are limited.

     Le Jeu

    Why “Le Jeu”?  Because “Jeu” — game and play — is the source of everything, according to Philippe Gaulier. It is the source of pleasure and desire to be an actor. Playing in theatre is the same as what children do while running, jumping and fighting during play or while play-acting as cowboys, Indians, soldiers and doctors or playing with dolls.

    Expect to learn:

    •  The meaning of all the basic teaching terms that will be used throughout: complicity, fixed point, playing in major and minor keys and reciprocal pleasures. (We learn to say that we are actors and that is scary. But being scared is part and parcel of being an actor; part and parcel of how we derive pleasure)
    • How to position the character we are playing on top of our pleasure during play.
    •  Never to kill this pleasure but increase it by searching to conspire and joke with our partner/s.
    • Never should an actor playing a melancholic character be melancholic but should, instead, show pleasure.
    • How to continuously indicate that none of this is for real (audience will believe the actor precisely because none of this is real).
    • In theatre, we can choose to believe what we see.
    • To question yourself: Is my pleasure immense when I play with the freshness of my childhood memories before a thousand spectators, beneath two thousand theatre projectors, or it is not really so great?  If it is not, then leave the stage.
    • How to find pleasure from fear of rejection.

    About Philippe Gaulier

    This world-renowned and highly-sought after teacher has cultivated a distinctive approach to performance. Currently based in Paris, France, he runs his own international theatre school, Ecole Philippe Gaulier. Each year he welcomes students from up to 36 countries.

    Philippe Gaulier does not teach a style of theatre but drives the actor to the edge of self-discovery. Gaulier’s training places emphasis on character development.

    Gaulier’s theatrical disciples from other regions include Mr. Jim Chim, Ms. Olivia Yan, Mr. Anthony Wong, Tracy Mann and Suzanne Osten.

    The Guardian once asked Philippe Gaulier what he looks for in a performer.

    His answer, “l like people who are extroverts, open and funny — not ideologists. They don’t like playing games, and no intellectuals; no Calvinists, Marxists, vegetarians or feminists.  l like to see lies on stage; truth is for the Salvation Army. I would rather dine with liars. They are much more playful”.  (The Guardian, 2.4.93)

    How to apply and payment of application fees:

    • Please email the completed form together with your CV to enquiries@kakiseni.com.
    • The master class fees MUST be paid before 23th JULY 2012. Otherwise, the organiser retains the right to cancel your application.
    • Paid fees are not refundable.
    • Once an application has been accepted and confirmed, no change or transfer requests will be entertained.
    • Payment:
      1. Pay CASH directly to the person in charge of the workshop   OR
      2. Bank directly into our account   OR
      3. Issue a cheque in favour of Capri Communications Sdn Bhd
      • Account Name: Capri Communications Sdn Bhd
      • Bank: CIMB Bank
      • Account Number: 12250004725057
    • IMPORTANT: Kindly RETAIN the deposit slip for further verification.  Please also provide your details (name and no. of the deposit slip) via phone or email after the deposit.
    • The organiser shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, injury and/or any mishap that may occur during this master class.
  • share link:http://pentasproject.org/2012/06/05/philippe-gauliers-master-class-in-acting/




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