《死亡纪事》Chronology on Death – 15&16 Sept

《死亡纪事》Chronology on Death  故事简介:故事由一具不知該埋往何處的屍體開始說起。兩兄弟發現了他們父親即是道教徒也是回教徒的雙重身份,因此引起了回教宗教局的關注,觸發了父親遺體該葬往何處的問題。弟弟執意追問,卻逐步踏入了迷宮般、糾葛不清的文化淵源情感關係。最後兩兄弟決定不顧一切葬在華人墓地,於是兩造人馬在墓園掀開了爭奪屍體的行動,事件由小變大,由大變無,然後在爭論不休當中,屍體消失了仿若不曾存在,故事跟著結束,一切敘述也隨著煙消雲散,彷彿歷經了一場死亡扣問的荒謬之旅。 【Synopsis】 The story begins with a body that no one knows where to bury. Two brothers found out that their father was a Taoist and a Muslim. This attract the attention of the Islamic Bureau, hence reveal the question on where to bury the body. The younger brother insists on questioning, […]

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